Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"HI! This is your mother in law calling to
let you know that we are in your neighborhood
and we are going to stop by!"

How to "FAKE" clean your house in 10 minutes or less...


 1. Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but don't turn it on if someone is coming over soon- it's noisy and having a clean sink and no running dishwasher gives the impression that you keep your sink clean (which I am totally guilty of not doing, like, AT ALL)
2. Wipe down the counters in the kitchen and main bathroom with baby wipes. Baby wipes are cheaper than disinfecting wipes like Lysol and Clorox and they don't leave a chemical smell that says "I just cleaned up because you were coming over" (of course my house always smells like diapers anyway, so I doubt anyone would be able to tell the difference)
3. Squirt toothpaste in the toilet and swirl it around with the toilet brush. I know this sounds bizarre, but toothpaste is made for cleaning the enamel on your teeth and your porcelain toilet isn't that much different. Plus, again it does not leave a chemical smell, just the impression that you keep your bathroom clean like that all the time.
 (which of course I totally do. um, not.)
4. Throw any other clutter that is in the bathroom (potty chair, step stool, bath toys, etc) into the tub and pull the shower curtain closed
5. Close all of the bedroom doors.
6. Throw the toys that have scattered all over the living room into a plastic bin.
7. Spray Febreze or Oust. says there are 3 simple rules:
Eliminate-Get rid of anything that looks or smells like trash, and empty all trash cans.
Organize-Straighten couch pillows, counter tops,
 and make the bed.
Hide-Store in the garage or closets, anything that doesn't belong in plain site.

 Now, I hope your ready for any "Suprise" Visitors!!

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